YouTube Discussions
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Welcome, families and channel members! Be advised content shared within this forum is publicly viewable. However, only families and YouTube channel members can post.
How to post here and gain access to the Channel Membership forums and chat rooms:
If you are a family who has a puppy from us or we are currently raising your puppy, please create an account on our website. We will approve it within 12-24 hours.
If you do not have a puppy from us but would still like access, you can become a member of our fantastic YouTube community for as little as $.99, and then we will approve your account here on our website for access to forums and chat rooms with other members.
We hope having this group helps when our internet and livestream unexpectedly pass away! For now, we are going to leave this forum only publicly viewable so that non-members can gain information when our livestream is down. If you are a member and want to post privately, you can post on our private YouTube discussion forum on the member's side. Members can also create their own groups and make them private.
- Public
Anyone can view this group.
Shown to site visitors.
August 30, 2023
Created by