How we got started...
We became captivated by the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel breed while searching for a puppy to help our family heal from the heartbreaking loss of three-year-old son, Matthew. Our adventure to find the perfect puppy was a lengthy rollercoaster filled with hope and excitement, many times met with disappointment and heartbreak. However, witnessing the incredible healing power this breed had for our grieving children made it all worthwhile. A passion was sparked in us to provide the ideal environment for raising these loving souls to help other families like our own. After bringing Missy home, we envisioned the kind of breeder these puppies deserved. Our backgrounds in training rescue dogs and my experience as a registered nurse in mental health have given us valuable insights into the importance of mental well-being for both people and their dogs. With a few additional tweaks to include family bonding and livestream access, coupled with the deafening quiet and overwhelming amount of spare time since Matthew's passing, Red Barn Cavaliers was born.
The first video below introduces Matthew and the handicapped puppy we raised & donated to a family in need of an ESA for their child. Additional videos help provide more context for our passion of raising Emotional Support Animals the right way, for the right reasons!